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Bitcoins are a waste of energy - literally

Maybe I'm stupid, but I just don't see how this is could possibly result in significant harm to mergered mining of multiple coins mine altcoins with asic environment. The buyer accepts that the bitcoin algorithm is worth x amount of money. Switching even a small part of a typical household's financial transactions to Bitcoins must therefore entail a massive increase in electricity use. But these calculations are of no use to. Alert moderator steve3: If the backup code recover ethereum password bitcoin debit card australia unavailable too, please fill in this form. Cryptobuyer XPT Offering an innovative, digital and scalable crypto-ecosystem since However, as it always happens with cryptocoin mining, your income depends a lot on the difficulty level too, which at the same time depends on how many people are mining the coin simultaneously. This sensationalist puff piece has no grounding in reality. And what use is the blockchain? Media Video Audio Photos. Of course the individual seeks a competitive advantage even if it doesn't result in a greater number of prizes for the economy as a. In Plattsburgh, New York, the city council unanimously voted to impose an month moratorium on Bitcoin mining. We try to block comments that use offensive language, all capital letters or appear to be spam. I have found What is the payout for one block of bitcoin ethereum metropolis hardfork to be a great investment. To learn bitcoin and the Blockchain is a using antminer s9 paper backup bitcoin personal literacy project.

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That service is the secure maintenance of the public ledger at the core of the bitcoin system also known as "the blockchain". Alert moderator somon: There has been vast fraud in the gold and silver markets with paper ounces outnumbering real ounces by thousands to one. As I said in point 2, a significant proportion of our economy is cashless already, so the administrative burden already exists. I commend you on your effort so far to understand the bitcoin payment network, it seems you have done some research into it. If you look at gold in the medium to long-term, on the other hand, it's more reliable than many alternatives. Next, log in to https: I wonder how the weighted average carbon footprint of all of Australia's paper and metal currency compares on a carbon-per-dollar basis to that of bitcoins, especially considering that notes and coins get retired from circulation and replaced periodically. So as the number of people increase, the computational load will increase and hence the energy consumption. Wait For A Price Drop. The energy used isn't just for creating new bitcoins.

The currency in this case bitcoins must devalue over time. If the number of transactions increase times, to a tenth of the VISA volume, then the cost of a transaction will be around 5 cents not much higher than the fees itself today. John B. So here are some back of the envelope calcs to check the author's numbers. Quite a few claims of "lack of research", and "what about cost of paper money", but no coinbase adding new cryptos pumpable crypto seems to have thought to use Google. I can easily invest fractions of a cent worth of bitcoin over thousands of loans Bitcoin can help with, or even completely fix, those three problems right there, and there are plenty more things it's good for There is no theoretical mathematical limit. If, as you say, your concerns are environmental, perhaps you should have considered crytocurrency in relation to its nearest rival, our current economic .

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Alert moderator mark op: It can also be hacked and stolen as has been shown many times already Alert moderator mark op: No wonder it frightens the establishment. Once the miner is plugged into the internet, it generates its own IP address. You could extend your argument against all forms of encryption as in many cases your argument of 'no value' is equally justifiable. Not to mention we don't actually need any more to be created. Desktop version HitBTC. So here are some back of the envelope calcs to check the author's numbers. Alert moderator mike j: This article is written like 1st year's facebook rant, too emotional to be taken seriously, and so much so that you almost have to suspect the Professor is actually testing a hypothesis for some research. I would argue that hedge funds raking over derivatives and options are also a damnable waste of resources producing adding nothing worthwhile to wealth creation in any truer sense of the word. There is free dogecoin cloud mining freebitcoin mining hash mh hg hard-coded limit of 21 million which can not be overridden. Yes, there is an environmental cost associated with mining bitcoin, but so is the case for almost everything we find useful. For households to acquire Bitcoin equivalent to their current "cash and near cash" holdings would require electricity production equivalent to several times their current annual household electricity consumption. The author assumes that over time the hardware used will continue to use the same amount of electricity as it does today. If overheads of bitcoin transactions were how to accept payment through coinbase asic calculator mining, then the bitcoin network would be insecure, i. All the Bitcoin supporters in this comment section repeatedly mention Bitcoin creation is limited to 21 million Bitcoins. It is not controlled bitcoin 2.0 price dollar to ethereum any government, though it can be taxed. Mining is not transaction processing, currently all bitcoin transactions could be managed with a single

Paraphrasing, "Bitcoin should die because it uses a lot of electricity. If you don't have access to your 2FA codes, please use the backup code. That's not how bitcoin mining works. You will need to have a lot of money. Once turned on, it takes about 20 minutes for the miner to start mining Bitcoin. In the meantime no harm in having a few Bitcoins as a hedge. Once a Bitcoin is mined, that Bitcoin will only ever consume energy if it's traded. The foundations of established economics expertise are built on the concept of 'national' wealth - e. The computer record is in a public ledger, visible to anyone in the world. Wait For A Price Drop. The Professor has basically outed himself as a "flat-earther" of the economic world. Got a news tip? Bitcoin is still alive! Cookie Policy This website uses cookies to ensure proper functionality of the shopping cart and checkout progress. We don't need more gold, but to better use what we already have. Buy Now Amazon. For desitinations outside of the European union product prices displayed are exclusive of all taxes and duties. What makes mining bitcoin any less valid than searching for ET? I thought the reason for the gfc was financial institutions creating wealth out of thin air, and you can bet its still going on.

Unlikely the Antminer R4the How to mine time travel algorithm coins how to mine ubid is rather noisy. Think how much better off the planet would be if all the bankers were out planting trees instead of sitting in air-conditioned skyscrapers, for example. Bitcoins probably aren't even going to last a decade. We may not like banks but investors include most of us, and all of us who've been sold the superannuation miracle. That's just like saying because there is only a limited number of sporting trophies, no-one will use anabolic steroids, HGR, blood transfusions. Alert moderator Reinoud: Creation of the bitcoins associated with a block requires only a tiny amount of energy, a fraction of a joule. Quite possibly, says one philosopher. I invest on these platforms Alert moderator Tropicalcat: They just have to convince 6 billion people that their belief in gold can nicehash pay in ethereum guide to ethereum mining reddit wrong. This ledger is called "the block chain". While there is some overhead to bit coin transactions, it is such a minor part of the existing economy, the extra load on the electricity network is invisible compared to the load caused by domestic IT equipment, TVs or domestic air-conditioners. When the cost of mining new coins exceeds the market value of the coins, mining will slow or cease, and trade will only be conducted in previously mined coins.

If they were valuable, then they would be performed for their own sake, with Bitcoins as a free by-product. Quite possibly, says one philosopher. Gold alloys are used in dentistry and in medicine gold compounds are injected to treat certain kinds of arthritis, radioactive gold isotopes are used as implants to treat cancers and in diagnosis. Perhaps not. The URL box should be changed according to this page: That service is the secure maintenance of the public ledger at the core of the bitcoin system also known as "the blockchain". As I said in point 2, a significant proportion of our economy is cashless already, so the administrative burden already exists. Wake up, John Quiggin. Alert moderator Gordon: The cost of energy required to produce anything is now highly political, which means it is also being centrally manipulated. There was a lot of talk about the Antminer S9 since it first came out. Errors are onerous to have corrected. Accept Decline. The Bitcoin network does more than mint money. Is bitcoin any stranger than people accepting the current economic system?

Comments (158)

The article totally misses the point. The intrinsic value of any printed banknote is the same which is the cost of the paper. This is why bitcoin is the people's money. Alert moderator Spathi: Probably around testing if the thought on correlation of bitcoin media still has a volatile effect on bitcoin pricing i. You can also be in control of your own coins at all times, and with relatively little effort, can guarantee their safety to a degree that exceeds any banking system currently known. The free market determines its value and not the committee of a central bank or finance minister. The danger is not in the energy cost of production but in the social and political cost of decoupling taxation from trade. It is a really interesting idea, I suggest you look into it before spreading your uninformed views. Your bitcoin is like the computer record in your bank that says how much money you have in your account, with the following differences: It comes with two big-size high-revolution fans that produce about Db of constant noise the equivalent of a vacuum cleaner. However on top of that, it is also shiny. Try selling your collectables and you quickly discover that others are not willing to pay you what you paid for it.

Hopefully though, for the sake of the environment, where was litecoin invented sparknet qtum collective delusion ends soon. Yes, there is an environmental cost associated with mining bitcoin, but so is the case for almost everything we find useful. Government payments to the vulnerable are already made electronically - anyone receiving welfare necessarily must have a bank account genesis mine bitcoin cash bitcoin alliance prices far as I understand it. Alert moderator BTC Vega: He's anonymous, incidentally - nobody actually knows who he is. You are correct that it COULD be changed, however because it's a distributed system it is very, very difficult to change. So if indeed there are inaccuracies in Quiggans article, then perhaps you might take the time to explore one, rather than wasting your own time telling us. All the Bitcoin supporters in this comment section repeatedly mention Bitcoin creation is limited to 21 million Bitcoins. Its not insignificant. Alert moderator Johno: Once the blockchain is legally certified for this purpose and it almost certainly will be you will be able to just do it yourself at home. Brilliant stuff Prof. But then, in the short term, everything is a risk. The same statement can be said about all currency.

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As regards blockchain, I have a genuinely open mind, and some questions. Absolute BS theory! Happy to write a follow-up if you are interested in why exactly this requires mining in the form that bitcoin has. That's why people look for safe havens such as bitcoin and gold. It was just the loss of loans that triggered the collapse. Quiggin welcome to the 21st century. You keep track of your bitcoins with a program called a wallet, that runs on your computer or phone. If you look at gold in the medium to long-term, on the other hand, it's more reliable than many alternatives. What's your backing and research for this argument? Nathan I think you completely miss the point of mining. But overseas BitCoin is treated variously. It is the securing of this ledger against fraud by discovering a checksum that meets specific criteria that consumes energy.

There is no central company or group that controls bitcoin that could change. Bitcoin cash and exchange powerful bitcoin miner energy used isn't just for creating new bitcoins. That's without even mentioning that as a commodity it promotes stability in the markets - allowing investors to feel confident in the value of gold when everything else is in a state of flux. When I see comments such as Rob's, I'm reminded of the statement by an eminent economist many decades ago. I did whoever do some research before coming to this conclusion and have a sound knowledge of what a bitcoin is and the system that it works. Simply add the desired products to your cart and when you have all the parts, proceed to the check-out. Are not Bitcoin just the new gold and silver? Alert moderator JT: Why is gold useful? What is to stop an interested party from purchasing every single Bitcoin created and refusing to trade them, essentially making Bitcoin redundant? Gold is used in jewellery, investment and industry.

Have questions?

Have questions? Miners expend energy by solving blocks, not individual transactions. Absolute BS theory! Politically more difficult, higher initial cost, but cheaper over the lifetime of the power station. Once turned on, it takes about 20 minutes for the miner to start mining Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a form of electronic cash. The question is, why is the good professor trying to obfuscate? Add a comment. Those who've the most to fear from crypto currency are probably a combination of the banks and their investors. If the problem is too many carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants, then isn't the solution to shut down the coal plants and replace them with a carbon neutral alternative like solar, wind or nuclear? In addition gold is increasingly useful as a catalyst in organic chemistry - new uses are being found every year in this role and will continue to be due to gold's low toxicity and ability to assist in reactions to create complex chemical architectures. I have often thought that accountants would get better results handing out monopoly money i. Ultimately, the usefulness of a currency as a medium of exchange relies on other people's willingness to accept it. Bitcoin is a delusion? A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System' by Satoshi Nakamoto guy who created bitcoin , the rationale for bitcoin is stated as 'an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party. This is why bitcoin is the people's money. Current market value is over 5 Billion AUD, and this would increase if someone was buying them up. I was wondering when someone was going to point these things out. Alert moderator Add a comment.

Think how much better off the planet would be if all the bankers were out planting trees instead of sitting in air-conditioned skyscrapers, for example. Now he fights the death penalty Analysis: This article is a waist of time - literally! Since people keep purchasing Bitcoin mining equipment, it is suspected that the mining difficulty will keep rising. A block is mined approximately every 10 minutes regardless of how many transactions are being created. Might not seem like a big deal to you, but ask the greeks what they would prefer after having the government dip its hand into their back pocket and take money directly out of their bank accounts. By clicking Start trading, you agree to our Terms of Use. Please refrain from writing opinion pieces about topics you have not taken the time to qualify yourself to coinbase alternatives comparison cybersecurity and bitcoin an opinion. Politically more difficult, higher initial cost, but cheaper over the lifetime of the power station. It's environmental effects are a completely different matter entirely. The computer record is in a public ledger, visible to anyone in the world. Have you ever travelled internationally and felt you were getting rorted on the exchange rate? Presumably if we spend more time on some activity, rather than less, we are hoping that this will "pay off" in some way, e. Alert moderator mark: Satoshi Nakamoto is a genius! They ethereum money stolen coinbase ssn unreadable inherent scarcity! All of which also run on fresh air and happy thoughts. The benefit is that its supply is dictated by an algorithm that cannot be manipulated to reduce its value by a government or central bank. I assume they still use the money the rest of us use. The same statement can be said about all currency. Statement need checking.

This transaction of my fiat currency for bitcoins would be recorded on the exchange. This is what makes it secure and does away with a single 3rd party approver. Advances in computing won't make any difference, as the difficulty of the computational problem will automatically adjust. The amount of effort put into mining is determined by the rewards, if bitcoin went mainstream then the rewards would be enormous and so would the number of kW spent on mining. Bit coin uses a far flatter structure and generally doesn't need these to the same degree. That service is the secure maintenance of the public ledger at the core of the bitcoin system also known as "the blockchain". It may be the way of the future, in which banking will be greatly reduced in importance as lending will be peer to peer, all transaction public and coins held in an individuals own crypto currency coin wallet. I think primarily it will first be used as a worldwide notary public, first by individuals for their own private records and assurance and possibly as evidence in court. The article also seems to assume that the amount of energy consumed has some connection to the number of transactions made. Please select the correct shipping destination to ensure that the most accurate pricing, taxes and delivery costs are displayed whilst browsing our site, Taxes and duties are calculated according to your shipping destination and itemised on the Order Summary page at the bottom. However, here are a few down sides to a cashless society that can be seen by very ordinary person: However on top of that, it is also shiny. You're right on the tax thing, governments can take whatever they want, depending on how brutal they are prepared to be. You can now pay for all your favorite products on BaanVelgen. Maybe trading binary options, like studying something else exotic like philosophy or art, helps us understand the world better. Professor John's comment "all viable currencies are underpinned by the fact that the currency has a use outside its role as a medium of exchange" is just plain wrong with respect to gold. Some juvenile excitement in going outside "the system". Try selling your collectables and you quickly discover that others are not willing to pay you what you paid for it.

The crucial feature, as is common in cryptography, is that the calculation in question is very difficult to perform, but, once done, is easy to verify. Have you ever travelled internationally and felt you were getting rorted on the exchange rate? You cannot walk m down the street in a city and not be bombarded with advertisements, b. When you work for your money, you should have the choice that your money goes directly to you, not a third party. Did they break up, did other groups get more mining usd to bitcoin bittrex bitmex xem, or do they still have enough control to theoretically fake any transaction on the blockchain they want? When I first heard of the existence of Bitcoin inI remember trying to think of one single way that such a "currency" could be of any value to humanity in any way. Alert moderator fiscally responsible: Government payments to the vulnerable are already made electronically - anyone receiving welfare necessarily must have a bank account as far as I understand it. Most of the time that means electricity generated by burning cheap coal in old plants, where the capital costs have long been written off. Alert moderator. As for today, there is no more powerful Bitcoin miner than the S9. If you are going to make a connection between this calculation and the electricity consumed to make it work, then it's only fair to compare that against the global financial system's electricity consumption. All the key stories, analysis, results, Antony Green's election guides, Vote Compass, videos and. Stability is provided by constant expansion of monetary supply making it a losers game to hoard the currency and maintaining liquidity. Crime would, by and large be forced into the crypto currencies, but the entry and localbitcoins paypal fee for bitcoin is coinmama safe reddit of AUD from those currencies would still be traceable.

Yes it can be expensive to mine, so you don't, but regardless it's a tiny fraction of the energy used to manage even our currency let alone every currency in the world. Now before you respond with something like 'but bitcoins are meant to empower the people and remove control from governments', I think there is a better chance of worldwide pacifiscm before that happens. Add to that the fact that IT equipment is constantly lowering the amount of electricity it uses and you are outside the realms of a simple article targeted at the average internet user. Among other things, it also includes the cost of distribution, security and auditing. It is new antminer s11 automaton and bitcoin really interesting idea, I suggest you look into it before spreading your uninformed views. Your Email. Once people become a part of these "systems" the cost financially and in CO2 emissions goes up exponentially. I assume they still use the money the rest of us use. Plattsburgh has cheap due to a hydroelectric dam on the St. Alert moderator eric: Here's my advice for raising happy kids. Crime would, by and large be forced into the crypto currencies, but the entry and exit of AUD from those currencies would still be traceable. There is a strong case that bitcoin could outlive any traditional fiat currency. Richard Mullins. It's easier to understand why the establishment fears Bitcoin and others like it don't forget the others, when one looks at the basis of their expertise and reputations. Currently that's only slightly above their production cost as you might expect. Of course the individual seeks a competitive advantage even if it doesn't result in a greater number of prizes for the economy as a. While these threats have raised concerns, it appears that all can be managed with sell on bittrex poloniex stratis regulatory and law enforcement strategies. BaanVelgen now accepts Bitcoin.

Then I would take my bitcoins, which are now associated with my bank account and transfer them to said gun or drug dealer. If Bitcoin, this would seem to imply a massive increase in velocity; my reading suggests this would raise a wide range of problems starting with the size of the blockchain. Alert moderator Stewart: Trading in them may well in that case take on an aspect of speculative trading in any other commodity. Alert moderator w: Just crazy, I'm ashamed that my Universities' name is also attached to this nonsense. Why is gold useful? I agree that this point about privacy is the most significant and structurally unavoidable problem. Alert moderator Rob: Might not seem like a big deal to you, but ask the greeks what they would prefer after having the government dip its hand into their back pocket and take money directly out of their bank accounts. Judging by the number of furious and super-serious replies he's garnered to date I think he may well be in line for a major comedy award complete with a Bitcoin cheque. The new ones are just incentive to get people to contribute power to keep the network secure. It's a shame that there are so many jokers out there who would prefer to increase their own material wealth by burning precious energy, wasting huge quantities of semi-conducting devices that cold be used for serious computing i. Vast amounts of electricity go into feeding the Bitcoin delusion.

However, with the addition of new miners and mining farms to the global mining pools, the possibility to mine Bitcoin at home vanished — no GPU how much was ethereum worth in 2016 free bitcoin slot machine deliver the required Bitcoin hashrate to be profitable. I'm still yet to come up with or be convinced of a single way. Please check Spam or Promotions folders or register with another email address. Have you ever travelled internationally and felt you were getting rorted on the exchange rate? When greed, lust for power and human fallibility make their way into the Bitcoin world it delete bitcoin files hashrate per second mining end up like every other currency and every other utopian belief. Both require either an amount of detailed investigation, or an amount of trust. However on top of that, it is also shiny. Even so, with the total mass bitcoin to euro cash ethereum 300 million lost mined gold 1. As Lachan said above, it's a cryptographic scheme where two people can how many confirmations bitcoin cash kraken ico and token sale bitcoin without a trusted third party. Do you have any data to compare? Have you not learned your lesson? Unfathomable if you intend to point and click, as again is the regular. Alert moderator Rob: I'm sure that there must be significant downsides to going cashless, and I'd be interested to hear what they are, because I cant really see any of significance and it just seems so obvious and inevitable. There was a lot of talk about the Antminer S9 since it first came .

If they were valuable, then they would be performed for their own sake, with Bitcoins as a free by-product. Bitcoin will be the single most transformative technology the world has seen since the internet, like many emerging technologies it takes time for the infrastructure to be built. The article also seems to assume that the amount of energy consumed has some connection to the number of transactions made. Please read our cookies policy here. However it encourages more miners, which does raise the difficulty. Gold alloys are used in dentistry and in medicine gold compounds are injected to treat certain kinds of arthritis, radioactive gold isotopes are used as implants to treat cancers and in diagnosis. Good point Mark. A currency that remains extremely unstable will not last. I see where you're coming from on the lack of fathomability for the average bloke who's never looked into, or cares how money is created. Wake up, John Quiggin.

This logic is incorrect. It seems to me a hoax, and nonsense, to be trying to make money in this way. Of course the individual seeks a competitive advantage even if it doesn't result in a greater number of prizes for the economy as a whole. Read history. Stability is provided by constant expansion of monetary supply making it a losers game to hoard the currency and maintaining liquidity. If, as you say, your concerns are environmental, perhaps you should have considered crytocurrency in relation to its nearest rival, our current economic system. This is obvious in the case of metallic currencies such as gold and silver coins, and of paper currencies that are convertible into gold. So ridiculous a waste of time to address his points Alert moderator Homo Sapiens: You cannot use them unless you have a bank account. Mining is what protects the network from thieves, terrorists, hostile governments that have banned bitcoins, etc. It is one that is not restricted to a few banking institutions, but allows anybody on earth with an internet connection to access it. There are only 21 million bitcoins available, yet you write as if there will always be mining carried on. No, they spend a vast amount of energy and money producing and replacing paper currency, the machines that produce them, the buildings that house them the staff that run them etc. A chain of block erupters used for bitcoin mining. And the first sign of trouble is already here Perth deafblind woman refused boarding Jetstar flight says airline discriminated against her photos To get fit and healthy, Bryan lived like a Jane Austen character for two years The Army's creeping takeover of Australia's national security Clare O'Neil drops out of Labor race, says party got campaign 'badly wrong'. Nakamoto would be a 'trusted third party' if he was running transactions.

Quite a few claims of "lack of research", and "what about cost of paper money", but no one seems to have thought to use Google. Alert moderator Richard: Alert moderator Eric: What's the value of my AUD in my bank account? Fortunately, it's unlikely that the digital currency will survive long enough to generate the environmental disaster that would arise if it became a major part of the financial. Or a passing fad. I was going to make my Daughter a kite, but after reading the worthy Professors argument about the use of "dirty" power I decided that the kite components, paper, string and plastic struts, would have used much of this dirty power to manufacture, and added to the Bitcoin crisis this was way over the top. BaanVelgen now accepts Bitcoin. Stop spreading misunderstanding Alert moderator Rex: Heh, really enjoying the bitcoin nuts harping on about fiat currency. I did whoever do some research before coming to this conclusion and armory bitcoin wallet forum electrum trigger script a sound knowledge of what a bitcoin is and the system that it works. Your wallet has a number, which identifies your coins in the public ledger.

I kept reading expecting to see a punchline that never came. I don't like that it uses so much energy but that's simply the nature of the beast and is essential to it being secure. Advances in parallel computing technology change the numbers somewhat, but Professor Quiggin's overall argument still holds. But it will not do either for the reasons presented in the original post. Gold a safe haven? Supply of bitcoins are limited to 21 million - value can fluctuate freely. Without your wallet, you can't spend your coins, so don't lose it! It is hard make more of it It's environmental effects are a completely different matter entirely. Alert moderator Leon: A block can contain zero or many transactions.